Iovino IPS can perform In-Depth searches to locate people
Most people look back on the time when they were going to school as some of the
best years of thier lives. We form special bonds with people during those times. It's
a time of hardship, yet you weren't yet really exposed to the world. The friendships formed
during school can be some of the most memorable in a persons' life. Then, after school, you
usually lose touch with those people who meant so much to you. It may be the study group that
you worked so many long hours with on projects, or maybe former room mates from your dorm
or apartment near the school. Whatever your situation, Iovino IPS can help you to find out
what those long lost classmates are doing now, and even get in touch with them for a special
If you have former classmates that you would like to inquire about, call us at 1-877-IOVINO1.