Workers Comp fraud is the fastest growing insurance scam in the nation
Workers comp fraud costs the insurance industry over $5 BILLION per year. At Iovino Investigative and Protective Services,
we take insurance fraud seriously. We can review claims for "Red Flag" warnings that could indicate a
potential fraudulent claim. We can then focus on these "Red Flag" claims and help you to determine if
the claim is indeed valid or fraudulent.
If a case is suspected of being fraudulent, the absolute
best way to fight the claim is with video surveillance of the claimant performing activities that he claims
he is unable to perform. Our team of professional surveillance investigators work with the insurance
company and employers to get the best results possible. They are also available to testify in court
proceedings after the surveillance has been done and the case goes to court.
While many people consider workers' comp fraud to be a "victimless" crime, we know that it's not. It affects your bottom
line, and the costs end up getting passed on to the employers and honest employees.
Our experience in law enforcement and the insurance industry gives you the benefit of being able to
discover and eliminate fraudulent claims. We can perform video surveillance on suspected fraudulent claimants
and in cases where fraud is discovered, we can help you to put your case together for submission to
the DA for prosecution under state Workers Comp Fraud laws.
In 2005-06 in California alone, District Attorneys reported a total of 574 arrests related to workers comp fraud.
They prosecuted 946 cases with 1,066 suspects. Restitution of $16,380,416 was ordered in connection with
these convictions, and $6,313,435 was collected during 2005-06. The total chargeable fraud was
$190,858,814, which represents only a small portion of actual fraudulent activy since most of it
is never identified or investigated.
Source: CA Department of Insurance
Workers' Compensation Convictions can be viewed online at the California Department of Insurance web site
Note: the information below is posted on the CA Dept of Insurance web site and not part of Iovino Investigative and Protective Services.
Effective January 1, 2005, Assembly
Bill 2866 (Frommer) enacted Insurance Code Section 1871.9 requiring the
posting of all workers' compensation fraud convictions to the CDI website.
Please select the month/year you would like to view:
2005 Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec 2006 Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec
2007 Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec
2008 Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec